What's Up Doc - Mar 2021

As I am writing this it is raining - and it is looking quite useful. I know even this rain may be too late for some farmers, who are looking at drying off in early April. Spore counts dropped last week to 30,000 in Morrinsville - but were 120,000 in Piako and 470,000 around Hamilton. Spore counts of 30,000 to 40,000 are dangerous long term, and the spore counts in Hamilton and Piako districts are very dangerous. We recommend that all stock are being protected by zinc at this time, as spore counts will only go up. Facial eczema signs are seen 2 weeks after the liver damage has occurred, so prevention is better than cure. Antihistamines can relieve inflammation if given promptly, and filtabac cream can aid healing and block further damage from the sun. The rain will also boost worm numbers on pasture, so plan worm drenches for calves. We have started this year's round of Dry Cow and RVM consults. We have had to do a lot of urgent copies for shed inspections lately, where RVMs had been lost, so if you have an inspection due, we recommend that you check your paperwork early. If you have a shed inspection due, we recommend that you book in for this coming season's consult. Having an up to date Dry Cow Consult means that we have met and worked out the most effective Dry Cow Therapy for your herd. Many farmers have already requested help preparing their Fonterra animal health plans last season and we expect more this coming season now that the rewards are not just farmsource dollars but cents addition to the milk price. We are prepared for these requests so chat to your vet about it further. Scanning is wrapped up now and we are looking ahead to the dry off season. If you intend to use tech services to dry off cows then it pays to book in ahead to get a spot - we anticipate an increase in the uptake of tech services as more farms use selective dry cow therapy, particularly teatsealant only.


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